Joanna Osuch
Reiki Master, certified System Settings Therapist and certified Medium.
My great passion is the soul. I have been exploring its secrets for years. I understood that in order for a person to be happy, healthy and filled with love, he or she must first deal with his or her negative experiences and traumas. It is these emotions of pain, regret, harm... that make the human soul close to what is best for it. To change your life, you must first work with the negative emotions that are deep inside us and our subconscious.
I will help you transform destructive emotions that may come from other incarnations, from your family, from relationships with parents, from traumas and negative experiences as well as from beliefs. For healing, I use my personal method "Soul Healing", which helps transform emotions at the deepest levels.
– Areas in which I help –
Individual sessions
I believe that all human problems began with negative and unprocessed experiences and emotions that unconsciously affect him all the time, so you need to go back to where they first appeared and change them by understanding, accepting and letting go of what happened. .
Online group sessions
I cordially invite you to an online group session on the Zoom platform where we will work on various topics using Reiki energy. Each meeting has one main topic which may concern emotions, love, relationships, money, etc.
Cleansing sessions
Thanks to energetic cleansing, you will regain the joy of life and the will to act. You will open yourself to love and everything that is best for you.
Addiction appears when a person has been severely hurt and has closed himself off to these emotions. At this point, he redirected his attention to something that gave him relief and oblivion, e.g. a state of alcohol intoxication, a drug high, or recognition and admiration at work that turned into workaholism.
It is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce you to the Reiki healing method, which was transmitted by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is an art of healing and spiritual development called Universal Life Energy. It heals at the level of the soul, mind and body. Its main goal is to eliminate all energy blockages in the body and emotions and to introduce harmony and happiness into life.
online reiki course
I also invite you to online Reiki courses. They are a very convenient form of learning. Without traveling and in the comfort of your home, you can learn how to heal yourself and others. All the material is covered with me, including the practical part, on the Zoom platform. I send the script and certificate by e-mail.
- My blog -
A client of about 50 years old came to me and confessed that her condition was not good. She said she had been depressed for months. She thought about suicide several times. She knew she had to do something about it, that it couldn't go on like this. She asked me for Reiki sessions. She knew what...
Can the disease be cured only with pills?
I have been wondering for a long time what is more important: the soul or the body. Are emotions important and how much do they influence us? What are the causes of diseases and how to cure them effectively? Why do people with similar lives recover completely differently, some quickly and easily...